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Cat litter

Cat litter

Regular price $37.99 USD
Regular price $57.99 USD Sale price $37.99 USD
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Keep your cat's litter box clean and tidy with Michupet's Tofu Cat Litter! It's lightweight and dust-free, and helps to absorb odors and keep your home smelling fresh. Plus, it's easy to scoop and clean up. Get your Tofu Cat Litter today and keep your cat's litter box fresh and clean! Lightweight Absorbent Formula A little bit of Michu goes a long way – it will absorb up to four times its dry weight in fluid – so it will keep absorbing for longer than other litter varieties

Michu Tofu Cat Litter Is Formulated Using Premium Ingredients And Advanced Technology

  • 2 Packs of 5.5lb tofu cat litter, added to a litter trayfor one cat, will provide continuous waste absorption foran entire month-this means no more twice weekly littertray make overs!

  • For the sophisticated feline, Michu Litter puts a touchof luxe back in the litter box

  • Formulated from premium ingredients and usingadvanced technology, Michu will deliver a litterboxexperience fit for a King... or Queen

  • With quick and easy daily removal of solid waste andclumped deposits, your cat's litter needs are taken careof for the month

Fast Clumping and Easily Scoop-able

  • Michu instantly traps liquid on contact with the litterpellets, forming discreet clumps that do not break apart,even during removal from the tray with a litter sieve orscoop

  • This superior clumping action means the soiled littercan be easily removed without wasting any of theremaining fresh, dry litter - leaving the tray always readyfor your cat to use

  • Unscented and Odour Neutralizing

  • Superior and instant absorption action allows Michuto eliminate odour from the litter tray quickly, and theunscented formula will not overpower your felinesdelicate sense of smell

Low Tracking Means Low Mess

  • Say goodbye to crumbling and dusty litter!

  • Each individual Michu pellet is durable and tightlycompacted to prevent break down of the litter, andproduction of dust, while it is in use in the tray

  • Michu packaging has been specifically designed toprotect the individual litter pellets until the pack isopened and the litter is added to the tray

  • With Michu in the tray, your cat will not be gatheringdust and litter particles, in their paws or fur, to trackacross your floors!

  • Petite Paw - Friendly Pellets

  • Michu is kind on paws but tough on waste - thesmooth texture and small size of the pellets feels invitingand comfortable under cat's paws when they dig andwalk in the litter tray

  • Easy Use and Tidy Storage

  • Storing open bags of litter in the home can beinconvenient and messy- they get in the way and thereare litter spills every time the tray is cleaned and filled

  • With Michu, you simply open a 88oz box, empty theentire pack of litter straight into the tray, then place theempty bag straight into the recycling bin - there are nomessy packs of litter left open anywhere in your home

  • The tidy, compact and attractive design of the Michupackaging means your fresh litter can be easily andconveniently stored on a small shelf in any householdcupboard or kitchen pantry

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